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PI Broadband Committee

While it has been a few months since our last update, that doesn't mean that progress has slowed on the broadband expansion project. October and November saw installation progress along CTH B and connecting roads from around Lynx Lake east towards M (where the main transport fiber terminates).

As of this writing, you may see small, enclosed trailers along CTH M and CTH B. These are self-contained workshops that are splicing all the various segments of fiber together. Splicing fiber requires special equipment, as the technicians are joining multiple pieces of hair thin glass fibers that need to transmit light. Not something you do with a pair of vise-grips and soldering iron.

Some property owners have started receiving easement requests from MI-TECH, a subcontractor working with Spectrum. These requests are similar to those you may have received from WPS, WE Engeries, or Xcel Energy, granting permission for Spectrum to bury fiber along a road that passes through your property. These easement requests need to be signed, notarized, and returned as quickly as possible to keep the project moving.

Work along the roads will continue through the winter, though the weather will play a big role. While you might think that our lack of snow makes things easier, it actually can impede burying the fiber because the frost goes deeper into the ground. We'll see what Mother Nature decides to serve up over the next few months.


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